Projects in energy optimization and renewable energies

A small sample of our work, you can see a more comprehensive list here.


DISOBA – Development of software tools for the design of energy-efficient and sustainable neighborhoods and buildings

The goal was to design a tool, based on dynamic simulation engines, which allows geo-position input data and the final obtained results.

Passive and HVAC system optimization for an office building in Bangalore, India

The main goals of the project were to perform an approximate qualitative analysis of the design of a new corporative building in Bangalore and to suggest measures that should be analyzed in more detail in the near future for inclusion in the design and construction of the building.


Energy guidelines in Antondegi Master Plan

The Basque Government, acting through the public company Visesa and the Basque Energy Board (EVE), promoted the creation of an area of public housing intended to become the first green neighborhood in the Basque Country.

Building energy optimization and HVAC system design for the Benasque Pedro Pascual Science Center

Building energy optimization and HVAC system design for the Benasque Pedro Pascual Science Center

AIGUASOL joined the project team during the conception and design phases of the new building. Using dynamic simulation, we analyzed and optimized the various components of the building’s façade as well as other exterior elements.

Shwartz-Haumond offices

Analysis of thermal demands and different schemes for the integration of a buried pipes system for the new headquarters of Schwartz Hautmont

In the design process, AIGUASOL was hired to analyse in detail the energy demands of the different areas as originally planned solutions by the team of architects.

ROCOCO – Reduction Of Costs of solar Cooling systems

Solar thermal cooling systems are a promising solution for reducing greenhouse gas emissions associated with the growing cooling demand for residential and commercial buildings.

emvs - energy testers

Testers of the new processes and tools for the mandatory energy certification through the development of best practice guidelines for new housing developments of EMVS and EMGIASA in Madrid

Commissioned by public promoters EMVS (Madrid) and EMGIASA (Alcorcón) and in coordination with IDAE (CTE 2007 promoter), AIGUASOL tested new methodologies and tools in the CTE 2007, analyzing eight new residential developments with a dual purpose.

Zaha Hadid - Zorrotzaurre, energy and urban planning

Energy evaluation of the Zaha Hadid Master Plan for the new neighborhood of Zorrotzaurre in Bilbao.

One of the challenges of the Project was the creation of an energy consumption model for buildings that was lower than the standard consumption in urban planning and new building construction that met current legislation.

CONTANK – Solar thermal system for the pre heating of water in an industrial process

CONTANK – Solar thermal system for the pre heating of water in an industrial process

The solar system is made up of two collector fields with a thermal potential of 360kW and a net collection are of 510m2 and a 40 m3 non-pressurized storage tank.


DISSUN – Dissemination Activities in Large Scale Solar Heating and Cooling

The objective was to deploy best practise, increase the utilisation of solar energy in the community and reduce the greenhouse gases (GHG) emission related to heating and cooling of buildings and industries, in accordance with EC policies.

CEPEC – Comprehensive Energy Planning in European Cities

The main objective of the project is to carry out the key actions determined in LEP for the three cities, to monitor the LEP execution and to disseminate the results form actions done as well as of the LEP potential and methodologies.

Energy in Buildings, can Ricart

Can Ricart Municipal Sporting Complex (El Raval, Barcelona)

AIGUASOL carried out various dynamic simulations of thermal behavior for the main spaces and the skylights, in order to find the optimal solutions in terms of energy savings and economic investment.

Solar Thermal Energy at Picornell Pools

Picornell Pools – Integration of solar thermal energy in pergolas

The PICORNELL swimming pool complex was identified as an ideal location to install a solar thermal system for sanitary hot water, for the high numbers of people who use the pools daily and for the special circumstances of being the site for the World Swimming Championships for 2003.

RIRAAS – Iberoamerican network on solar refrigeration and air conditioning

Aiguasol participated in the Iberoamerican network on solar refrigeration and air conditioning (RIRAAS) and conducted a study on the production systems of cold by absorption machines coupled to systems that use solar thermal energy and showed its application on three specific projects : air conditioning cellars, cold and heat production for a network of district cooling air for germination in a production plant.

HIPERTINOX – Development of a medium temperature flat collector for a solar cooling adsorption system in Mexico

AIGUASOL analyzed the performance curves of the manufacturer's products and conducted a critical analysis of the product specifications.

Trinitat Nova Energy Guidelines

Energy guidelines and design solutions for the energetic retrofit of the neighborhood of Trinitat Nova

AIGUASOL performed various studies and projects with the aim of determining specific energy planning and guidelines, both for the planned rehabilitation of residential buildings and for the approaches used in the district heating systems.

Barcelona Energy Improvement Plan

Barcelona Energy Improvement Plan (PMEB) and Barcelona Energy, Climate Change and Air Quality Plan (PECQ)

AIGUASOL was commissioned to assess energy consumption in residential and office buildings and was able to evaluate up to 90% of the buildings of these uses in the city of Barcelona.


POSHIP – The Potential of Solar Heat in Industrial Processes

POSHIP was a study of the potential application of solar heat in industrial processes in the Iberian Peninsula.