Our experience implementing more than 20 million euros in energy rehabilitation investments allows us to assess and guide the best proposals with great efficiency.



Though the specific numbers vary from country to country, the proportion of new to existing construction is residual and is a highly relevant percentage prior to any energy regulations. If on top of this we add in the evolution of energy prices and the new international guidelines agreed upon in Paris, a significant part of the focus should be on rehabilitating existing buildings, taking full or partial advantage of the benefits of energy savings.


We see rehabilitation as a way of increasing the value of a property and bringing in new stakeholders, but also as a way of ensuring optimum living conditions and generating new social dynamics as an engine of change.

In residential buildings, we perform calibrated analyses of energy bills or scale usage data using big data techniques to assess the impact of targeted actions. We determine the best options, taking into account the required investment and returns based on savings and payment models entailing user fees or direct investment. We include architectural, construction-related and energy system solutions in our models, assessing consumption by use in detail and providing solutions based on tenant priority and, when needed, carrying out the works themselves.

In tertiary buildings, we calibrate detailed models with real data from bills, tracking of key performance indicators and quality testing based on thermography and infiltration tests. With a comprehensive and broad-ranging vision, we propose appropriate solutions for each case, using market metrics to assess the return on investment. We work from the point of the view of the customer, whether the owner or the investor, and when considering third-party financing through ESCOs, we set out benefit scenarios for all parties involved.

When assessing tertiary buildings for large consumers or industry on behalf of the property, we act as energy facilitators through our company exsergy.com. Exsergy raises investments for ESCOs or investment funds at no cost to the property, all the while evaluating the full extent of the activity and monitoring progress.

We offer works and targeted documentation for customers and administrative processes as well as technical and investment reports.

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Based on the expertise we have acquired through work on engineering projects and participation in research and development projects, we have developed a usage-based (residential and large tertiary) calculation methodology enabling us to detect deficiencies and potential in detail in a way that can be assessed by third parties.

At a time when the concept of an audit is very broad, we offer evaluations that, for third-party investments, are carried out successfully in terms of achieved energy savings. For this, we use a methodology that combines the modeling of buildings with calibration by invoices or measured data and independent and operational knowledge of a wide range of market technologies.

The financial factor has significant weight, both in determining the required or existing subsidies in residential buildings and in assessing the investment and return in tertiary properties. In all cases, we use financial industry metrics combined with indicators that make sense to the owners or the end users.

In projects subject to investment by third parties, we can act on contingency through our firm exsergy.com, performing a pre-analysis of potential and, depending on the result, doing a detailed investment analysis with remuneration based on savings.
Through accredited personnel, we track the performance of the investments through design and implementation of the IPMVP protocol.

Featured Projects

“Santander, Hábitat Futuro”: Regenerative urbanism as a city model

Aiguasol has contributed to the development of the strategic plan of "Santander, Hábitat Futuro" through our expertise in energy efficiency. Based on a regenerative urbanism approach, with "Hábitat Futuro" Santander will become a circular, resilient, vertebrate, prosperous, vital and inclusive city in 2055.

Residential Retrofits at district scale

AIGUASOL and IREC have collaborated in a study for the KIC-Innoenergy, which analyzes the best business-management models that allow large-scale rehabilitation of buildings

Houseful Aiguasol

HOUSEFUL – Innovative circular solutions and services for the housing sector

HOUSEFUL proposes an innovative paradigm shift towards a circular economy for the housing sector. The main goal is to develop and demonstrate an integrated systemic service (HOUSEFUL Service) composed of 11 circular solutions co-created by stakeholders in current housing value chain.