Projects in energy optimization and renewable energies

A small sample of our work, you can see a more comprehensive list here.

Decarbonizing the Metallurgical Industry: Aiguasol Develops a Digital Energy Platform for ULMA Construction

Aiguasol has developed a digital platform for monitoring and predicting energy consumption, specifically designed for metallurgical plants, in collaboration with ULMA Construction.

Guide to Creating Local and Sustainable Bioenergy Communities

At Aiguasol, as part of the team led by the Cluster of Bioenergy of Catalonia and with the participation of Envolta Energia and Verdia Legal, we have developed the Guide to Bioenergy Communities. This guide is a strategic tool to promote new, more sustainable energy models, leveraging the potential of bioenergy as a key element in the transition toward resilient, locally connected energy communities.

ARV Project: advancing energy communities and building renovation in Europe

Aiguasol, as part of the Green Deal ARV team in collaboration with IREC - Institute for Energy Research of Catalonia, has worked on the feasibility studies for the recovery and rehabilitation of the GESA building in Palma de Mallorca.

Rural Electrification of Sabana Real: Lighting up Communities in Dominican Republic

The rural electrification of Sabana Real (Dominican Republic), includes the implementation of a solar photovoltaic microgrid of 55.2 kWp and 245.7 kWh of storage through lithium batteries as well as an electrical distribution network for the community.

Progress of the #Descarbagro project to decarbonize agricultural cooperatives

Within the framework of the Singulars #Descarbagro project, these past weeks we have visited the Agricultural Cooperatives of Santa Barbara and La Granadella, specialized in olive oil production, to advance in their decarbonization processes.

Ispaster’s Journey Towards Sustainability: A Beacon of Community-Led Change

A significant milestone in Ispaster's sustainability journey is the development of an Energy Community for its residents within the LocalRES project. This innovative initiative involves the installation of photovoltaic panels on citizens' roofs, with the generated electricity accessible to any member of the Energy Community.

The Need to Adapt School Classrooms to Global Warming: Climate Plan for Barcelona’s Public Schools

Aiguasol has proposed a study with the aim of finding solutions applicable to all schools built in Barcelona, through the development of a methodology to analyze the thermal needs of school classrooms in the city within the "New School Climate Plan" promoted by the Barcelona City Council and the Education Consortium.

CER.COOP New Horizons: Advancing Green Energy Communities in rural areas

The project CER.COOP - New Horizons aims at developing 8 Rural Renewable Energy Communities (REC) led by agricultural cooperatives. Aiguasol and SEBA have led the legal analysis, the sizing of the RECs and their optimal business models.

Grenada’s Power System Integrated Assessment with United Nations Project Development (UNDP)

A team of technical consultants lead by AIGUASOL has conducted an integrated assessment of the power system in Grenada to improve the resilience of the network and increase the penetration of intermittent least-cost renewable generation resource of the Country. Members of the team: Aiguasol, eRoots Analytics, Azimut360 and Renew Caribe.

Towards the decarbonization of the island of Menorca

Aiguasol has lead the development of a tool to analyze the viability of climate positive communities (energy communities) on Menorca

“Santander, Hábitat Futuro”: Regenerative urbanism as a city model

Aiguasol has contributed to the development of the strategic plan of "Santander, Hábitat Futuro" through our expertise in energy efficiency. Based on a regenerative urbanism approach, with "Hábitat Futuro" Santander will become a circular, resilient, vertebrate, prosperous, vital and inclusive city in 2055.

Recommendations to implement a Local Energy Community

​​Aiguasol has participated in the creation of the guide "Recommendations to implement a Local Energy Community", aimed at all those municipalities interested in promoting the creation and development of energy communities.

Ensuring Access to Alternative Energy in Solomon Islands

Aiguasol is leading the technical assistance for rural energy access and the creation of an Agriculture Research site in North East Guadalcanal (Solomon Islands, Oceania).

Conceptual design of a biomass supply chain in Cuba

Aiguasol is leading the technical assistance to provide the conceptual design of the biomass supply for the installation of a 12MWel power generation plant of installed capacity in the areas surrounding the sawmill "Combate de las Tenerías" belonging to the Agroforestry Company Macurijes.

Consultancy services for selection, assessment and sensitization of Public Institutions for net-metering solar PV

The objective is to select and assess public buildings for Net-Metering Solar PV (NMPV) under the Scaling-up Renewable Energy Program (SREP) to reduce the costs of energy consumption in public facilities and contribute to the achievement of 100% renewable energy target policy objective in Ghana.

INNOWWIDE – Smart Solar Modular Contaner (SSMoC)

The project aims to develop a modular, containerized, and locally manufactured solar PV solution with built-in intelligence and self-learning capabilities that is easy to transport, install, setup and use.

Grenada Power System Integrated Assessment Consultancy Project

The overall objective of the project is to improve the efficiency of the electrical grid in Grenada and increase the power generation coming from sustainable energy sources.

Technical assistance for the analysis, revision and evaluation of the procurement documents for the installation of a reverse osmosis unit for the production of desalinated water and a photovoltaic power plant

The specific objective of AIGUASOL services is to analyse and eventually review all the documentation that is part of the procurement for the installation works of a reverse osmosis unit for the production of desalinated water and a photovoltaic energy system on the island of Brava in Cabo Verde, as to award the contract to the most economically advantageous offer.

Joinenergy – Creating communities for the energy transition

Platform for the self-management of bottom-up energy communities.

Energy communities: Guide for local administration

AIGUASOL has produced this Guide for local “entities” commissioned by the Leader Ripollès Ges Bisaura Association, where ideas and formulas for the creation of local energy communities in rural areas are presented.

IDAE energy communities guide

AIGUASOL has prepared this document commissioned by the Instituto para la diversificación y el ahorro de la energía (IDAE), which details the tools needed to carry out the promotion of energy communities in the field of the local administration and based on experiences of previous projects developed by AIGUASOL.

CHESTER – Compressed Heat Energy Storage for Energy from Renewable Sources

Development of a cost competitive innovative system that will allow for energy management, storage and dispatchable supply of many different renewable energy sources (RES) through the combination of electricity and heat sector.

LÍQUENS. Environmental panel. Monitoring, awareness and participation in air quality and noise levels

LÍQUENS is an innovative project developed by AIGUASOL, which was the winner of the “Call for Solutions” competition at the 2015 edition of the Smart City Expo World Congress in Barcelona

Basic monitoring of indoor environmental quality in different schools across Catalonia

Basic monitoring of indoor environmental quality in different schools across Catalonia

Workshops on strategies to improve indoor environmental quality in secondary schools

Workshops on strategies to improve indoor environmental quality in secondary schools

“Rehabilita’m! fes-me eficient i saludable” (Rehabilitate me! Make me healthier and more efficient)

Guide that outlines energy-saving strategies by setting standards of comfort and health inside buildings.

Techno-economic feasibility analysis and modelling of small scale biomass based co-generation and tri-generation solutions

AIGUASOL staff collaborated with UPC Technical University of Catalonia in developing a prototype of fixed bed gasification technology for biomass/waste/RDF for cogeneration and trigeneration at micro and small scale (below 50kWe).

Applied research programme on small scale biomass-based solutions for community development in rural Africa

AIGUASOL staff collaborated with UPC in conducting field studies, preparing academic papers, delivering training sessions and dissemination events to analyse and discuss the prospects of small-scale biomass systems, related energy services and inclusive business models addressed at rural markets in Sub Saharan Africa.

SECURECHAIN Securing future-proof environmentally compatible bioenergy chains (HORIZON2020)

Promoting the market uptake of bioenergy in six European model regions, by supporting SME R&D capacities, ad-hoc feasibility analysis tools and business plans development.