We are glad to announce that on January 25, 2023, took place the inauguration of the mini hydroelectric plant of the program “Luz de todos” in Santo Pablo Tacaná (Guatemala), fruit of the joint work carried out within the framework of the call for cooperation of the Diputación de Barcelona in 2014 alongside our partners L’olivera and Tandem Social.

We were entrusted with the technical, economic and environmental design of the power plant, with the aim of taking advantage of the natural resources in the territory, mainly water, solar and wind, and creating a self-sufficient energy system far from the economic interests of business agents, and driven by the use of renewable energies.

Despite the difficulties and pressures created by the region’s municipal authorities, the project could finally be successfully executed.

Nowadays, the plant is fully operational and supplies green energy to the local community of San Pablo, which was highly involved throughout the whole construction process.

Discover the whole story in the new edition of the magazine Cooperación Catalana: https://www.rocagales.cat/wp-content/uploads/CooperacioCatalana_476_OK.pdf 

We also invite you to visit the project’s website to learn more about its current status: https://luzdetodos.com/proyecto/ .