With the knowledge and experience we have gained over more than 1,000 energy projects, we can detect key elements and apply state-of-the-art algorithms for smart energy management.

Although a fundamental part of energy consumption, buildings, processes and energy production systems are not consumers per se; rather, it is their use that results in energy costs. In this context, it is just as important to understand how energy is consumed in day-to-day use as it is to efficiently manage facilities, which are now increasingly interconnected. Smart and automated management entails high potential for significant energy savings, provided they are based on solutions tailored to the scenario at hand.
Because of our experience in detail engineering and our participation in research and development projects, we offer our customers tailor-made solutions that exceed the base savings of preconceived tools.
We design custom systems and platforms that enable continuous assessment of the energy behavior of buildings, processes and facilities based on existing third-party elements or new equipment. We integrate tracking and management solutions from the market’s leading manufacturers to offer customers a personalized service and thus ensure maximum savings.
Our systems and platforms not only permit a simplified and reliable view of the current behavior but also comparatively assess the facilities and pose potential improvements, be it in the operation of the facilities, investment through rehabilitation or preventive maintenance.
We adjust the image and features of the solutions according to the customer’s requirements, including security and information access levels and centralized control.
We design systems that not only reap direct savings but also propose business models based on retail offerings targeted to specific industries, climate zones, actors or energy procurement.

Using advanced tools since 1999 has enabled us to adapt the knowledge we have gained to work with different models and methodologies depending on the particular situation at hand.
We use what are known as white, gray or black models, which are based on dynamic simulation tools, meta-models, genetic codes and big data and allow us to discern the key performance indicators that govern energy behavior and costs in a particular circumstance.
We integrate different market hardware solutions to monitor facilities, and we program the models, generating viewing platforms based on our own solutions or open source tools. Our tools also manage centralized energy billing.
We develop our solutions to be implemented locally or in the cloud depending on the customer’s requirements, adapting the information to the potential users of the platforms and systems and their degree of knowledge of the buildings.
Featured Projects
Decarbonizing the Metallurgical Industry: Aiguasol Develops a Digital Energy Platform for ULMA Construction
Aiguasol has developed a digital platform for monitoring and predicting energy consumption, specifically designed for metallurgical plants, in collaboration with ULMA Construction.
> Applied R & D,> Energy Intensity in Industry,> Energy Management Systems
Rural Electrification of Sabana Real: Lighting up Communities in Dominican Republic
The rural electrification of Sabana Real (Dominican Republic), includes the implementation of a solar photovoltaic microgrid of 55.2 kWp and 245.7 kWh of storage through lithium batteries as well as an electrical distribution network for the community.
> International Cooperation for Development,> Energy Management Systems,> Energy Communities
CHESTER – Compressed Heat Energy Storage for Energy from Renewable Sources
Development of a cost competitive innovative system that will allow for energy management, storage and dispatchable supply of many different renewable energy sources (RES) through the combination of electricity and heat sector.
> Applied R & D,> Energy Management Systems,> District Networks and Large-scale energy generation