The energy community is a new emerging figure in the value chain of the energy sector, with a strong social component through the empowerment of citizens and companies over energy, as a basic vital resource.

What are they?

The energy communities can be formalized as cooperatives, associations, economic interest groups, consortia…; they are collaborative models that can integrate various actors, called PPCP: local community + administration + private company
Energy communities can be based on a physical connection or a virtual relationship between their members

Integrative vision

Energy communities provide a clear example of the integration needed to address current challenges. The empowerment of citizens and companies involves the integration of more actors and establishing new relationships. Likewise, the integration of different energy technologies (both in generation and in energy consumption, as well as in management) is a challenge and offers new technological and market opportunities. The energy communities promote a new approach in the generation and consumption of energy, in which new paths and connections are drawn.


A disruptive change: The value chain is being reconfigured with the appearance of the new FIGURE OF THE PROSUMER


AIGUASOL is having a pioneering role in the creation and development of the energy communities, thanks to its know-how in energy, from a broad perspective.
AIGUASOL provides communities with its strategic vision, with the experience of having developed strategic energy plans, as well as a multisectoral vision, with the experience of projects in building and industry, and a multi-technological vision, with the experience of projects in energy efficiency, renewable energy and management (energy, demand, data …).

AIGUASOL has carried out different projects related to the promotion of energy communities; some are listed below:

  1. Guide for the development of instruments to promote local energy communities. IDAE 2019
  2. Analysis of electrical integration options in Can Batlló area. Agència de l’Energía de Barcelona, 2020
  3. Strategic study on energy communities in the municipality of Mataró. Mataró City Council, 2019
  4. Potential of local energy communities as an energy transition tool, LEADER Association, 2020
  5. Production parks: an important factor in the energy transition. Pla Estratègic Metropolità de Barcelona (AMB), 2019
  6. Batea energy transition action plan: development of an energy community and analysis of renewable energy generation potential. Batea City Council, 2019
  7. Promotion of the local electricity generation in the Mas Blau production parks: optimal use of electricity for the benefit of local actors. Prat de LLobregat City Council, 2020
  8. Proposal for ‘Shared solar self-consumption in Rubí’, within the Rubí Industria Circular, Sorigué and ClimaRubi project 2020
  9. Comparative study of air conditioning systems coupled with photovoltaic generation for the neighbourhood community of ARE Estrella. Badalona City Council, 2018
  10. Illa Eficient: Proposal and development of an innovative energy rehabilitation model with a new governance model for an urban block in Barcelona. Barcelona City Council, 2016-2018
  11. EcoCongost: Thermal energy distribution network for industrial processes and for heating uses in Granollers. Granollers City Council, 2016-2017
  12. Viability study for a heat network using residual resources for the Bufalvent production park. Manresa, Bages consortium, 2019.
  13. Organization of the conference “Promotion of local energy communities”. Errenteria City Council, 2019.
  14. Study on the impact of self-consumption by Amigos de la Tierra. In progress of being carried out.
  15. Can Batlló Sandbox project. In progress of being carried out.
  16. JoinEnergy project. In progress of being carried out.

Featured Projects

Solar revolution in Masnou: Aiguasol studies the potential of energy communities in the municipality

Aiguasol has conducted a study on Masnou’s photovoltaic potential, commissioned by the City Council to promote the creation of energy communities in the municipality.

Guide to Creating Local and Sustainable Bioenergy Communities

At Aiguasol, as part of the team led by the Cluster of Bioenergy of Catalonia and with the participation of Envolta Energia and Verdia Legal, we have developed the Guide to Bioenergy Communities. This guide is a strategic tool to promote new, more sustainable energy models, leveraging the potential of bioenergy as a key element in the transition toward resilient, locally connected energy communities.

Rural Electrification of Sabana Real: Lighting up Communities in Dominican Republic

The rural electrification of Sabana Real (Dominican Republic), includes the implementation of a solar photovoltaic microgrid of 55.2 kWp and 245.7 kWh of storage through lithium batteries as well as an electrical distribution network for the community.