Charmex International built a 6,000-sqm building in Getafe (Madrid) to house its own offices, with additional space available for rent. Its goal was to achieve a nearly net zero-energy building and secure LEED certification.

AIGUASOL participated in different parts of construction to reduce demand and design a desiccant evaporative cooling (DEC) system with the goal of producing a highly efficient system to treat the building’s primary air. The DEC system cools or heats, as needed, using a desiccant wheel and a field of solar collectors, which regenerate or which directly supply heat to the primary air treatment unit’s heat battery.

HVAC system design, optimization and implementation and advice and calculations for LEED Gold certification for a new Charmex company building

Charmex International built a 6,000m2 building in Getafe (Madrid) which will hold its own offices as well as offer office space for rent. The energy goal is to obtain a LEED GOLD certification.

ClientInternational CharmexYear2015LocationGetafeServicesEnergy Consultancy, Energy Engineering

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p: +34 933 424 755
f: +34 933 424 756


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