Els serveis d'alta qualitat que ofereix AIGUASOL són resultat de la combinació entre l'experiència en projectes reals, contacte amb el mercat i projectes de recerca.

AIGUASOL desenvolupa des dels seus inicis i de forma continuada una activitat de recerca a la qual destina ininterrompudament més d’un terç dels seus recursos, ja sigui a través d’iniciatives pròpies o per encàrrec, amb finançament propi, públic, privat o mixt.

L’activitat de recerca a AIGUASOL es caracteritza per la seva vocació internacional, participant com a experts a tasques de l’Agència Internacional de l’Energia i a nombrosos projectes europeus.

En aquest sentit, AIGUASOL acumula una important cartera de contactes a nivell internacional, així com una llarga experiència en redacció i presentació de propostes.

Actualment AIGUASOL ofereix als seus clients serveis de recerca aplicada en temes relacionats amb l’energia, com ara el desenvolupament d’elements específics, solucions globals o línies de producte, la recerca de millors solucions constructives, la programació de subrutines de dispositius reals, la generació de models TRNSYS de sistemes complexos o la creació i personalització d’aplicacions d’ús intern o de lliure distribució.

Principals Projectes

Acronim Title Year Program
ARV Climate Positive Circular Communities in Europe, focusing on net zero-emission buildings and neighbourhoods 2022-2026 Horizon2020
REGENERA Developing innovative technologies to efficiently and economically store surplus renewable energy and its use in industrial processes for the production of green fuels, hydrogen, methane and hitane. 2022- 2026 State RDI Programme “Science and Innovation Missions” of the Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI)
LocalRES Empowering local renewable energy communities for the decarbonisation of the energy systems 2021-2025 Horizon2020
AURORAL Architecture for Unified Regional and Open digital ecosystems for Smart Communities and wider Rural Areas Large scale application 2021-2025 Horizon2020
HOUSEFUL Innovative circular solutions and services for the housing sector 2018-2022 Horizon2020
CHESTER Compressed Heat Energy Storage for Energy from Renewable Sources 2018-2022 Horizon2020
BSEAA2 Bioenergy for sustainable energy access in Africa 2019-2021 Transforming Energy Access (TEA) programme from Department for International Development’s (DFID)
Plug-n-Harvest Plug-n-play passive and active multi-modal energy harvesting systems, circular
economy by design, with high replicability for self-sufficient districts & Near-Zero Buildings
2017-2021 Horizon2020
inteGRIDy integrated Smart GRID Cross-Functional Solutions for Optimized Synergetic Energy
Distribution, Utilization Storage Technologies
2016-2020 Horizon2020
4RinEU Robust and Reliable technology concepts and business models for triggering deep Renovation
of Residential buildings in EU
2016_2020 Horizon2020
Applied research programme on small scale biomass-based solutions for community development in rural Africa 2016-2018 UPC Technical University of Catalonia, EC EuropeAid/DEVCO, ECREEE
GrowSmarter GrowSmarter: transforming cities for a smart, sustainable Europe 2015-2020 Horizon2020
INDUS3ES Industrial Energy and Environment Efficiency 2015-2019 Horizon2020
SECURECHAIN Securing future-proof environmentally compatible bioenergy chains 2015-2018 Horizon2020
ULISES Development of a large scale solar collector for heating generation in mining processes 2014-2017 CORFO Chile
Appsol Análisis de potencial solar térmico en industrial chilena 2014-2015 CORFO Chile
ST4DHC Potential of integration of solar thermal in the two Barcelona district heating networks 2014-2015 IDAE
Tobeetxe Directrices energéticas integrales para edificios de oficinas en Gipuzkoa 2014-2015 Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa
PITAGORAS Sustainable urban Planning with Innovative and low energy Thermal And power Generation from Residual And renewable Sources 2013-2017 Framework program 7 - FP7
ST ROADMAP Solar Heating and Cooling Technology Roadmap 2014 European Solar Thermal Industry Federation
RenewIT Advanced concepts and tools for renewable energy supply of IT Data Centres 2013-2016 Framework program 7 - FP7
GREENFOODS Towards zero-fossil CO2 emission in the European food beverage industry 2013-2015 Intelligent Energy for Europe (IEE) program
Techno-economic feasibility analysis and modelling of small scale biomass based co-generation and tri-generation solutions 2012-2014 UPC Technical University of Catalonia, EC EuropeAid/DEVCO, Catalan Government/ACC1Ó
TOBEEM Directrices energéticas integrales para edificios de oficinas en Madrid. 2012-2014 IDAE
Cheq4 Herramienta de aplicación, cumplimiento y evaluación de la sección HE4 del CTE 2012-2013 IDAE
CONNECT EU General coordination of Connect-EU program, in its Buildings Energy Efficiency sector, to bring Catalan firms to participate in EU proposals 2012 ACC1Ó
URBANSOLPLUS Solar Thermal in Major Renovations and Protected Urban Areas 2011-2014 Intelligent Energy for Europe (IEE) program
IEA Task 45 Large Scale Solar Heating and Cooling Systems 2011-2014 International Energy Agency - SHC
IEA Task 44 Solar and Heat Pump Systems 2010-2013 International Energy Agency - SHC
Solar cooling potential Potential of solar cooling in Spain, for the development of a renewable energy plan 2011-2020 2010-2011 IDAE
FRELCATSOL Development of a linear Fresnel collector to generate heating, cooling and energy 2009-2011 ACC1Ó
ECOHEAT4EU Ecoheat4EU 2009-2011 Intelligent Energy for Europe (IEE) program
SAHC Promotion of Solar Assisted Heating and Cooling in the agrofood sector 2009-2010 Intelligent Energy for Europe (IEE) Altener program
DISOBA Development of software tools for the design of energy efficient and sustainable neighborhoods and buildings 2009
HIGH-COMBI HIGH solar fraction heating and cooling systems with COMBInation of innovative components and methods 2007-2011 Framework program 6 - FP6
SOLAIR Increasing the market implementation of Solar Air-conditioning systems for Small and Medium Applications in Residential and Commercial Buildings 2007-2009 Intelligent Energy for Europe (IEE) program
TRANSOL Development of a solar thermal energy simulation tool based on TRNSYS which is used as a reference tool in Spain and France 2006-2016 Centre Scientifique et Technique du Batiment
IEA Task38 Solar Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration 2006-2010 International Energy Agency - SHC
ROCOCO Reduction Of Costs of solar Cooling systems 2006-2008 Framework program 6 - FP6
TSC Development of a moving focus concentrating solar thermal collector 2005-2009 CDTI
ST ESCOS Development of pilot Solar Thermal Energy Service Companies (ST-ESCOs) with high replication potential 2005-2007 Intelligent Energy for Europe (IEE) program
IEA Task33 Solar Heat for Industrial Processes 2003-2007 International Energy Agency - SHC
CEPEC Comprehension Energy Plan in European Cities 2003-2005 Framework program 6 - FP6
DISSUN Dissemination activities on Large Scale Solar Heating and Cooling 2003 - 2005 Altener Program
STEDI Deployment of a New ASP Model for Web-Computing in the Building Sector 2002-2003 Framework program 5 - FP5
RIRAAS Iberoamerican network on solar refrigeration and air conditioning 2001-2020 CYTED
BIOCELL Low energy demand in industrialized buildings 2001-2004 Framework program 5 - FP5
BCNR2004 Barcelona renovable 2004 2001-2002 Altener program
HIPERTINOX Development of a medium temperature flat collector for a solar cooling adsorption system in Mexico 2001
IEA Task 25 Solar Assisted Air Conditioning of Buildings 1999-2004 International Energy Agency - SHC
POSHIP The Potential of Solar Heat in Industrial Processes 1999-2002 Framework program 5 - FP5
CSTP Solar Thermal Collectors for Industrial processes --

Cerques un Soci?

Hem estat elaborant propostes i treballant a projectes de R + D en energia durant anys. Si estàs cercant un soci espanyol/mediterrani, si us plau emplena aquest formulari i posa't en contacte amb nosaltres.

AIGUASOL gaudeix d’algun aventatge en ser elegible per a un projecte de R + D:

  • Som una PIME.
  • Tenim una alta proporció de projectes de R + D i experiència amb projectes reals. Així, som una barreja entre centre de recerca i empresa d’enginyeria a client final.
  • Gràcies a la nostra experiència general i en R + D, els projectes poden ser sovint acompanyats amb instal·lacions de demostració.